Good Morning,
This week on the C saw the market under constant pressure, with trade buying stemming the tide a little bit. March after notice day remained under pressure and May made contract lows under 100.00.
The pressure of this declining market is becoming apparent all around the world. The Colombian FNC sent out an email asking partners around the world to consider the plight these prices are causing at origin and for their partners to do what they could to help.
The old saw is the cure for low prices is low prices, but that doesn’t come without the passage of time and a lot of pain.
In a sign of the times, Kraft Hines reported they have hired Credit Suisse “to help consider options, including a divestment, for coffee brand Maxwell House”
Coffees that have arrived at the port, but not the warehouse include: Panama SHB EP “Don Vincente”, SHG Honduras EP “Marcala” and FTO SHG Honduras EP “Marcala”, both with certificate, and a Colombia EP 10. Coming soon are Guatemala SHB EP (arriving 3/8), an FTO Sumatra Mandheling Grade 1 comes with a fresh lot of Sumatra Mandheling DP on the same vessel (arriving 3/29). RFA Colombia EP will ship in early March, we’re expecting shipping on RFA Brazil 2/3 any day now as well. We just approved PSS on some Ethiopian Sidamo Naturals that will ship in March.
In the warehouse we have recently arrived Colombia “Café Lumbus” Excelso and Supremo, New Guinea Sigri AA and B, to go with our specialty line of Sumatra Mandheling, Guatemala Antigua Pastoral, Costa Rica Tarrazu, and all your other favorites, so please have a look at the offer list and see if there’s anything there that might tickle your fancy, as it were.
If there’s any way we can be of help, you just need to ask.
The Armenia Team