Good Morning,
It’s a snowy Monday here in the Northeast and has planes, trains and automobiles a bit backed up this morning. Still we’re enjoying a nice cup of Komodo Dragon today. We wish the same for you, safe and warm, with a delicious cup of coffee.
The market started the week off making a new contract low but rallied from there back towards 1.00 in higher than normal volumes. There are at least conversations that the lack of rain in January in Brazil might have adjusted development a bit though we won’t know for certain until the harvest is closer, just a few months from now. The USDA forecast slightly higher production for Central America and Mexico, Colombia and Indonesia. The advised total production forecast at a record pace of 174.5 million bags, up 15.6 million from the previous year.
In the news, Amazon announced they would open a 2nd line of grocery stores, distinct from the Whole Foods chain they bought last year.
We have some SHB Guatemala arriving in a couple of days, new FTO Sumatra will arrive at the end of the month. RFA Brazils and some smaller Brazil microlots are coming on the 20th of March. Arrived but not stripped yet are some SHB Panana “Don Vincente”. Just into the warehouse are some FTO Honduras “Marcala” along with SHG Honduras EP “Marcala”. They join our traditional offerings for PNG “Sigri Estate”, Colombia “Lumbus” Excelso and Supremo, Tarrazu, Antigua, and Sumatra.
Please let us know how we may be of help to you!
The Armenia Team