Good morning and happy 8th of July,
With the 4th of July holiday falling on a Thursday, many took Friday the 5th off as well, or just worked a casual day at home. As such it was a very short week for most, including us.
As we came in on last Monday, the market took note of colder weather coming into the Brazilian coffee belts for the long weekend (there seems to be something about colder weather that prefers longer weekends…), and we gapped higher. Tuesday seemed to be filled with weather services poo pooing the initial scares and we corrected a bit, but folks were again focused on maybe lightening up a bit of short position on Wednesday and Friday.
We did hear of cold/frost reports and the de-rigueur photo exchange of low lying areas affected by the cold. Some also reported tops of trees affected. In the end the C this morning is telling us it doesn’t believe any appreciable damage (maybe 1 million bags at worst) has been done and we can move on.
Warming trends for the next 10 days should alleviate any further threats to the area at least for the time being, we’ll certainly continue to watch and report any changes we see. This is the right time for frost, but this would mark 25 years without real damaging cold if we can make it through the season.
Our Kenya coffee is in Continental now and we had the pleasure of cupping it before the holidays. We can report the coffee came in as we expected, and we believe we have some really nice lots to share with you. Our cuppers have detailed cupping notes we’d be happy to share with you, if you like, and we hope you do.
Our FTO Sumatra just arrived on the 5th. If this coffee interests you, don’t hesitate, we haven’t been able to keep this coffee stocked it goes as quickly and we can get one here. We also had Brazil 2/3 17/18 screen just arrived in NY waiting for it to move to Continental. We have Colombia Excelso EP’s arriving on the 11th as well.
All these join our usual FTO coffee, Mexican, Honduras, Nicaragua, as well as conventional coffees from PNG, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and we have a few bags left from Panama.
We’d love to help you, all you need do is ask.
The Armenia Team