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Good morning

Again, it’s not a happy Monday as we worry for our friends in Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi, after the destruction that occurred from an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Our hearts and prayers are there as we write this, as well as with our friends down south, where the water has far from receded. No semblance of normal will return for some time it seems and we’re here to help if we can.

While things remain relatively quiet on the physicals front, at least the C was able to mount a bit of a rally and get back above one dollar. A little profit taking from funds, and some notable roaster related buying in the C and the options, have kept us above at least till now.

In Colombia, producers are still awaiting news from the government on a proposed subsidy for coffee farmers. Even the “best” proposals we’ve heard have been disappointing to the farming community as a whole so far, so we wait for actual word and procedure. Brazil we’ve heard a little more biz in the last week, but still shipments struggling to stay on time as coffee competes with other commodities, In a world of tariffs and trade wars.

We sold a bit of Tarrazu last week but we still have plenty if you need some. Joe has a few bags (20 to be exact) of Colombia Supremo 19 in Continental if you’d like something special. Antiguas and Yirgas in Continental as well as a half box left of Sumatra Mandheling.

If we can be of assistance in any way, please let us know.
John and Joe