Good morning.
More rangebound trading this week. Seems we can’t shake it, even with spec now at a record 113,000 lots short.
There seemed to be a little more activity – even with the bad weather coming into the center of the eastern part of the USA, who got just hammered with Hurricane Florence. Our hearts and prayers are with our friends in that part of the country. It will take a long time to clean up the mess she left behind. If we can be of help, please let us know how.
Strike was settled in the port of Buenaventura, Colombia so that should mean a return to more normal shipments, once the backlog is cleared up. Things are still tight in Brazil where coffee is competing for space in export containers and ships.
We’re still hoping that this recent activity will lead to a bit of a move higher in the C, would bring buyers and sellers ideas closer together differentially.
We still have ½ container of Mandhelings in Continental, in addition to some nice Tarrazu, Antigua, and Yirgacheffe. We have 4 fresh containers of Excelso in NJ (RPM) and we have Supremos just afloat to Norfolk and another box of Excelso on the way to NJ. If you’d like a sample of any of these it would be our pleasure to send them to you.
And, did you see the new iPhones came out this Friday and I got my hands on an XS Max, what a phone that is! Both Joe and I are available via iMessage if that works for you as well as Skype, WhatsApp well, just about anything you can think of (though we still miss AIM).
All the best
John and Joe